國家資歷架構 National Qualifications Framework,NQF
創新育成中心 Center of Innovative Incubator
研究架構 research framework
一般外科 general surgery
整形外科 plastic surgery
泌尿外科 urology surgery
神經外科 neurosurgery
婦產科 obstetrics and gynecology ophthalmology
耳鼻喉科 otolaryngology
心臟外科 cardiovascular surgery
直腸外科 colo-rectal surgery
口腔外科 oral surgery
醫院的經營管理 hospital management
病人用藥安全的管理 management of inpatient medication safety
手術中外科手術敷料的計數追蹤管理 traceability management of the surgical dressing in surgery
乳癌術後的感染控制 post-operative infection control for the breast cancer
氣管內管的位置追蹤管理 traceability management of endotracheal tube position
病人的安全轉送 safety management of transferred patients
手術病人全期護理照護 perioperative service/care
手術室護理人員 surgical nursing staff
主動式 RFID tag
條碼系統 bar code
超小型行動電腦 ultra-mobile personal computer (UMPC)
手術病人前進監測追蹤系統 Patients Advancement Monitoring Systems - Surgical (PAMS)
急診部門 the emergency department
麻醉科 the anesthesiology department
手術室 the operation room
恢復室 the postoperative recovery room
住院病房 the ordinary ward
手術排程系統 the operation scheduling system
無線射頻辨識系統 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
手術病人前進監測系統 Patients Advancement Monitoring Systems - Surgical (PAMS)
手術病人全期照護流程管理 perioperative service
標籤 RFID tag
讀取器 RFID reader
應用系統 application system
感應晶片卡 sensing chip
非接觸標籤 non-contact tag
射頻訊號 wireless radio frequency messages
強制 coercion
積累 accumulation
集中 concentration
悲愴大師 Pathetique Master
憂鬱又抒情 gloomy and sentimental
資質 intelligence
魯賓斯坦 Rubinstein
精神崩潰 to crack up; lose one’s mental health; nervous breakdown
體悟 recognize
霍亂 cholera西歐式的俄國人 west - Europe style Russian
浪漫時期 romantic era
俄國民族音樂 Russian folk music
管弦樂 orchestra music
芭蕾舞劇 ballet
「天鵝湖」 Swan Lake
拉赫曼尼諾夫 Rachmaninov悲愴與協奏曲 Pathetique and concertos
「悲愴交響曲」The Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Pathétique, Op. 74
絕望 despair
哀怨 sorrow
失落 disappointment
寫照 epitome
掏光自己的感情 set his heart and sentiment on
「D大調小提琴協奏曲」 The Violin Concerto in D major
「第一號鋼琴協奏曲」 The Piano Concerto No. 1
哀愁 sadness
濃烈的情感 strong emotion內向 introversion
敏感的 sensitive
舞台恐懼症 stage phobia
梅克夫人 Madam von Meck
貴人 mentor; an important person
資助 to patronize; to give financial assistance to
精神上的支柱 spiritual support; spiritual pillar
斷絕來往 to break off friendly relations
深受打擊 frustrated
消沈的 depressed芭蕾舞劇在俄國 Ballet in Russia
有一定的 (有一定程度的) to some extent
市場區隔 market segment
不必然的 not inevitable
趨之若鶩 to go after in a swarm
對立 opposite
在廣大的中國社會 in huge society of China
代乳品 milk substitute
奶媽 wet nurse
斷乳期 weaning period
灌溉 irrigate
民族幼苗 seedlings of our nation
不免的 unavoidable; inevitable
金字招牌 hallmark
訴諸 appeal to
營養需求 nutrition for their daily requirements
設備優良的 well equipped;
設備優良 state of the art equipments/ facilities
符合科學to follow/meet the scientific criteria
生理 physiology
成分 component
生理發展 physical development
母體maternal organism
子宮收縮uterus contraction
餵母乳將使青春不在 breastfeeding leads to the loss of youth
餵母乳行為的表面依舊 the behavior of breastfeeding appears the same as usual
鼓吹 advocate
披上一層西方醫學的外衣 under the cloak of western medical knowledge
姿態 posture; stance
深獲肯定 gain recognition; win a good reputation
上層社會the upper circles; the higher order
未能攻陷哺餵母乳的堡壘 can’t capture the bastion of concept for breastfeeding
科學數據scientific data; studies
在在證明 repeated proofs
簡略 too simple; sketchy; brief
餵母乳 breastfeeding
內涵 implication
倡導 advocate
「兒童是國家未來的主人翁」 children are the future masters of the nation
產婦 expectant mother
負起「國民之母」的責任 assume the responsibility of the mother of the nation
國族命脈 lifeblood of the country
私領域 private sphere
母子親情行為 mother-and-son relationship
一躍 to become ……… almost at a leap
公領域 public sphere
國民義務 national obligation
愛國行動patriotic behavior/action
內憂外患 internal revolt and foreign invasion; domestic trouble and foreign invasion; internal disorder and external invasion
國勢衰弱 (a country) being weak and feeble and becoming a prey to foreign invasion
救國圖存 save the nation and struggle for existence
強國強種 to strengthen our country and offspring
「興旺家族」to have a flourishing family; to prosper one’s family and multiply
「復興民族」revive one’s nation
「長者為尚」to respect and obey to the seniors
「兒童本位」的理念 children-based concepts
固本培元 to strengthen the body and consolidate the constitution
哺育 to feed; to suckle
樂聖 maestro
神童 child prodigy; wunderkind
循此 follow
天賦 talent; gift
成效不彰 not being productive or not getting enough feedback on; not effective
另請高明 to try and find someone better; to ask someone else
發揮潛能to reach one’s potential; to develop one’s full potential
耳疾卻日漸嚴重 his hearing began to deteriorate
喪失聽力 completely deaf
撼動 To move one's heart; to shake people's faith
新紀元 new era脈動 throb; beat; pulse
古典主義 classicism
靈性 spirituality
熱與力 passion and enthusiasm
布拉姆斯 Brahms
馬勒 Mahler
荀白克 Schoenberg
羅曼·羅蘭 Romain Rolland
小說《約翰·克里斯多夫》 Jean-Christophe
浪漫主義時代 romantic era
屈就 stoop
不朽 immortal柔和的 mild
燃燒的 burning
協奏曲 concerto
鋼琴奏鳴曲piano sonata
「月光奏鳴曲」 Moonlight
「第九號交響曲」The Symphony No. 9
聆賞 listen and enjoy
總結 summary
歡樂頌 song of joy
歐盟 European Union
陽性 masculine
豪邁 bold and heroic
意志力十分強大 strong will, extraordinary strength of mind/will
坎坷 rough; rugged; full of frustrations
無法修成正果 without result
算數 calculation主題提示 exposition
開展 development
主題再現 recapitulation
發揚光大 spread further; carry forward
交響曲之父 Father of the Symphony
小村莊的天才 Genius in the village
民謠 folk
兒童合唱團 children’s choir
嶄露頭角 come to the fore
豐碩 plenty化簡為繁的高手 grand master in musical complexity and sophistication
抒情 sentimental
主題音樂 thematic music
主調 tonic key
靈性的 spiritual
弦樂四重奏 String Quartet
把玩音符 play with notes
精緻 exquisite倫敦交響曲系列 the London symphonies
成熟 come to maturity
圓熟 skillful, proficient
「驚愕」 the Surprise ( Symphony)
「時鐘」 the Clock (Symphony)
突如其來 to come all of a sudden, to come without a warning; abruptly
規律地 regularly
「倫敦」London (Symphony)海頓老爹與莫札特 Papa Haydn and Mozart
專業度高的 highly professional
自恃 self-conceited
佳話 much-told tale
忘年之交 a friendship beyond generations/the ages結構分明 clear-structured symphonies
管弦樂曲 sinfonia
文藝復興時期 the Renaissance
多聲部音樂polyphonic music
樂章 movement
快板 allegro
慢板 lento
奏鳴曲 sonata
舞曲形式 dance-like
詼諧曲scherzo寵物治療-pet therapy
療癒動物-therapeutic animal
治療過程-therapy process
主要媒介 - main media
結構化- structural
療法 therapy
文獻 document
十四次治療單元 therapy of 14 sessions
回饋單 feedback
紮根理論-grounded theory
分析策略 analysis strategy
治療關係-therapeutic relationship
促發 to prompt, motivate, propel
打破 break
治療方案 therapy program
自省- self-awareness
自我勝任- self-competence
結構複雜 complex – structured
管風琴 pipe organ
體積 volume
造價 building cost
風琴 organ
腳踏鼓風裝置 pedal driven blower device( I guess)
簧片 reed
音管 pipe
宏大 huge
莊嚴 solemn
司琴手 = 彈琴的人 organist
結構複雜 complex – structured
管風琴 pipe organ
體積 volume
造價 building cost
風琴 organ獻給神的心聲 a devotion to Christ and his cross
荒島 desert island
馬太受難曲 the St Matthew Passion
慈愛的 affectionate
傳世;留傳給後人的東西 legacy
宗教音樂 sacred music
不足為奇 nothing to be surprised at
管風琴手 organist
榮耀神 for the glory of God; glorifiy god
純淨 pure; simplehearted
巴洛克的大師 the greatest composer of the Baroque era
提昇 to elevate
樹立 to establish
複調音樂 polyphony
賦格 Fugue
聖經 model; standard
尊崇 worship; respect
濃厚的 strong
德國曲風 German musical style
風潮 trend
洛可可式與古典主義 Rococo and later Classical styles
the musical fashion tended towards Rococo and later Classical styles. (from Wikipedia)
忽視 not well-known; neglect
受難曲 the Passions音樂之父 the father of all music
音樂世家 musical family
小康 well fixed; well to do
投奔 to seek shelter
揣摩 to fathom
大鍵琴 harpsichord
管風琴 pipe organ
編曲 composition
享譽 to enjoy/gain/earn reputation
涵蓋 to contain; to involve
中壯年 the prime of life
腦傷案主 victim of brain damage
寵物治療 Pet Therapy
化解 smooth away
互動經驗 interactive experience
信任關係 trust relationship
滋養 nourishment
連接線 connection line
狗醫生親善大使Pet Partner Goodwill Ambassador
團隊任務 team task
停滯狀態 stagnation state
後設認知能力 Metacognition ability
自我概念 self-concept
寵物治療-pet therapy 狗醫生-Dr. Dog 後設認知-metacognition
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Polymethyl Methacrylate, PMMA)
生物相容性( bio-compatibility)
自組裝單分子膜(Self-assembled Monolayers,SAMs)
Octadecyltrimethoxy silane (ODS)
Octadecyltrichloro silane (OTS)
接觸角(contact angle)
傾斜角(slip angle)
傅立葉紅外線光譜儀(Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer ,FTIR).
場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, FE-SEM)
末端官能基(terminal functionality)
表面粗造度(Surface roughness)
表面形貌(Surface topography)
疏水性質(hydrophobic property)
蛋白濃度分析試驗(bicinchoninic concentration assay )
黏附力(adhesion force)
磨擦力(friction force)
磨損性質(wear property)
烷基硫醇類及烷基矽硫(alkyl sulphur alcohol and alkyl silane solution)
前端官能基( head groups)
毛細力(capillary adhesion force)
長碳鏈(long carbon chain)
表面能 (surface energy)
胎牛血清(fetal-bovine-serum ,FBS)
磷酸鹽緩衝溶劑 (phosphatebuffered Saline,PBS)
原子力顯微鏡(atomic force microscopy ,AFM)
去離子水(DI water)
分光光度計(spectrophotometer )
牛血清蛋白(bovine serum albumin)
吸收峰 (peak)
比爾定律(Beer-Lambert Law)
吸收係數或莫耳吸收率(Absorption coefficient or molar absorptivity)
CS Internet Network
垃圾信 SPAM
黑名單 blacklist
關鍵字 content filter
貝氏定理 Bayesian Approach
郵件認證(E-mail authentication)
郵件伺服器 E-Mail Server
網路頻寬 Network Bandwidth
雜湊值 Hash Value
伺服器 Server
私密金鑰 Private Key
標頭 Header
暫時電子郵件位址 Disposable E-Mail Addresses
加密 Encrypt
解密 Decrypt
發送端 Sender
金鑰交換 Key Exchange
秘密值 secret
傑克梅第 Giacometti
解析光學激發-探測反射系統: Femtosecond Time-Resolved Pump and Probe reflectivity measurement
變波長: wavelength-dependent
變功率: power- dependent
能量鬆弛率:energy relaxation rate
電子和電子散射:carrier-carrer scattering
缺陷復合:defect recombination
歐傑復合:Auger recombination
屏蔽效應:screening effect
木質材料 wood materials
林產品 forest products
原木 log
製材 lumber
合板 plywood
組合板 composite board
木片 wood chip or chip
紙漿 pulp
粒片板 particle board
纖維板 fiber board
闊葉樹木漿 hardwood pulp
木製家具製造業 wood furniture industry
木材加工產業 wood processing industry
雜木林 mix wood trees
撫育 forest tending
國產材 domestic wood
碳貯存庫carbon pool
台灣區合板製造輸出業同業公會Taiwan Plywood Manufacturers and Exporters
台灣區造紙工業同業公會Taiwan Paper Industry Association
財政部關稅總局統計室Statistics Office, Directorate General of Customs, Ministry of Finance
進出口貿易統計月報 Monthly Reports for Import and Export Trade
林區管理處 forest district office
風倒木windblow trees
枯立倒木 withered standing trees; or dead and down trees
林務局 Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture
經濟部統計處Department of Statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs
原木材積 log volume
薪炭材 fuel wood
木器製造業 wood manufacturing industry
木質容器製造業 wood container manufacturing industry
針葉樹 coniferous trees
離子不純物 = ionic impurity
污染 = contamination
液晶 = liquid crystal (LC)
阻抗值 = resistivity
基質 = matrix
檢量線 = calibration curve
液晶顯示器 = liquid crystal display (LCD)
分析 = analysis (analytical)
配向膜 = alignment film